

Hello! This is a new feature to my site that I just added. I have to give a presentation on the Communist Manifesto for class today and I haven't even started preparing because I've just been on neocities all day! I'm obsessed with this place it's so cool!! I didn't spend much time on the internet as a kid so a lot of this stuff is brand new to me but its so much fun. Anyways I really should prep for my presentation, I'll probably be back here later.


I did not go prep for my presentation and instead made a button for my site. It's on my home page if you want to check it out. It's not good at all but I just wanted to try it out. I used pixel art which was easier than regular drawing I think. Okay now I should actually go prep for my presentation.


I finished my presentation. It was okay. The proffessor kept talking about anarchism and anarchocommunism and he disagrees with Marx that the proletarian revolution is inevitable. He thinks that the world is just going to collapse into chaos and climate crisis and capitalists will just find other ways to exploit land and people. I understand where he is coming from but I think that is a defeatest attitude that lends to not doing anything. We must have revolutionary optimism in order to achieve a better world. I think its possible to achieve a better world and that's why I work towards it.